Surely He’s Not Going to Rant About the BCS This Year?

By Rick Hall

Okay, this year that idiot, Rick Hall, cannot shout about the BCS and how it chose the Alabama Crimson Tide as its National Champion, can he? WRONG!! The key word in that last sentence was “C-H-O-S-E!” How do you choose a champion? Championships must be won and not awarded. The only group that I know that is chosen are federal judges and we all know how badly they’ve screwed this country. Therefore, I refuse to accept anybody as a champion if they have to be chosen as champions.

Voting on a sport is one reason I literally hate some Olympic activities; I refuse to call them sport. With the exception of boxing — and I will admit that I have seen fights where one boxer (let’s say Marvelous Marvin Hagler) beats on another (let’s say Sugar Ray Leonard) and still loses the fight because blind or biased judges chose the wrong man — so-called sports where a judge has to tell me who won does not interest me. Why? — Judges can, do and are swayed by outside influences. Anybody remember the Salt Lake City Olympics? Russian and French judges cooked up a scheme where the Russian figure skating couple would win that event even though the world knew that the Canadians were better. For her part, the French judge was helped to promote the French couple in the ice dancing (whatever that is) competition. Since judges are corruptible, I don’t trust their judgment. Remember, Mike Tyson was a loser in Olympic boxing.

Everyone knows why the BCS won’t change. It is run by liberals, aka the greediest people on the earth and the ones who scream loudest about greed. Their neurosis is called projecting. It is where you project your foibles onto someone else. Colleges, with few exceptions, are run by liberals. They make policy, pick leaders, and coaches. They will even cover up child rape if you are winning enough games. As long as they are in the driver’s seat, they are all for success and money, but let someone outside their circles get a nickel ahead and they want to take ten cents from that person. That is why certain big conferences get all the big dollars even

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