My Platform as President Part 2

By Rick Hall

Last week I wrote about my platform were I to run for president. Here is the second part of that article.

Race relationships — All citizens will be treated equally; period, end of story. Hate crimes will be banished because all violent crimes are a form of hate. I would prosecute some of the leading race baiters (be they black reverends, white Klansmen, or Hispanic Socialists) under the RICO statute because they have done more to stir up racial hatred in this country than anyone else has and the only reason they do it is for power and money mostly — even though there is a little hatred stirred within the mixture.

Military — I would gather Israel, England and our other closest allies and I’d let Syria, Iran, and North Korea know that their foolishness is going to stop or I’ll turn Israel loose in the Middle East and I’ d have Marine Corps pimp slap those leaders that can’t do anything but stir up trouble. One of the few places the Constitution (yeah, that little document upon which our nation was founded – that is if you exclude the Bible) authorizes spending is for defense. The other is commerce between the states. Therefore, I’d ensure that money went to defense before it went to entitlements, which eats up over 60% of our budget. No matter what else you cut, the entitlements are the 600-pound gorilla in the living room. They have to be dealt with or we are doomed as a society.

Reduction of costs — I would eliminate the EPA, Education Administration and several more agencies and I would revamp Social Security (raise the retirement age to 70) and Medicaid (only the working poor could get it) and Medicare (I find it ironic that the richest group in America – those over 65 – have their health care subsidized by one of the poorest groups – the working class between the ages of 16 and 30).

I would find a workable solution to eliminate Social Security over the long run. Bernie Madoff got over 100 years in prison for running the same kind of fraud as Social Security, but he is not the government, which can break the law with impunity. ENTITLEMENTS MUST BE REFORMED!!!!!

Lastly, I would force every business to have eVerify to ensure an employee is eligible to work in this country before hiring that employee. If the employee is not eligible and you still hire him, the company will pay a stiff penalty the first time and somebody is going to the pen the second time it happens. In addition, only natural born citizens shall be eligible for welfare benefits. When less than a third of natural born citizens are using this but 53% of aliens (mostly illegal) are using the system, then that system is broken. If you are here illegally — I want immigrants, but when Ted Kennedy (yes, he was responsible for this) decided the best way to get more voters that are Democratic was to quit bringing in European immigrants who were highly skilled and educated in favor of poorly educated third world people — you are not, nor will your anchor babies be rewarded for breaking the law. Ever since Ted’s Democratic recruitment bill was passed the economy, our skill levels and the educational achievements in this nation have begun to plunge. I personally believe that we should have more legal immigration and recruit those who are likely to produce (PhD’s, doctors, engineers and the skilled) over those who are a drain — you all know about whom I am talking.

That’s my platform. I call it “The Back to the Future Plan.” We look back to the moral values that started this nation and we remove the few bad items (slavery comes to mind first) and concentrate on the great things our Founding Fathers achieved. We put God first and get back to character, honesty, integrity and an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. Our best days are behind us only if we choose for it to be. To quote the Charlie Daniels Band “We’re gonna put our feet back on the path of righteousness and then, God will bless America again.” To step forward, we need to go back to the time when we were on our individual knees begging for forgiveness and guidance.