Fiscal court approves tax rate


Water projects and financial concerns were the primary topics in the Knott Fiscal Court’s regular meeting on Monday, Sept.17. The court voted to authorize Judge Thompson to sign all documents related to the $1 million in coal severance tax set aside for the Carr Creek Water Treatment Plant expansion. Judge Thompson related that a unique situation had been discovered in the process of planning that project.

While in negotiations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to extract more water from the lake, attorneys found that the original agreement had actually been with the Carr Creek Water Commission. This was a group formed early in the planning of the water plant which dissolved when the Knott County Water and Sewer Board was formed. Since this was a problem for the Corps, Judge Thompson said the best course of action seemed to be reforming the Carr Creek Commission to sign off on the expansion, then dissolving the group again. “The water system can’t expand any more until this is done,” the judge advised.

Members of the court voted unanimously to approve the resolution. District Four Magistrate listed several places in his district he said still need water lines. Water board chairperson Alice Ritchie said various projects were being submitted now. She asked the magistrates to provide the board with a list of hollows not served. Ritchie echoed the judge’s statement that no one new would be getting water service until the water plant expansion is complete.

A resolution was presented for the court to approve the various tax rates that apply in the county, including those set by the soil conservation district, board of education, and board of health. Before

a vote was taken, the portion of the tax rate actually set by the fiscal court came into question. Judge Thompson recommended the court approve the compensating rate. Financial advisor Darrell Madden explained that this amount is…

See this week’s newspaper for more.

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